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The Region 5 Workforce Board, Inc. represents eight central Indiana counties including Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Morgan and Shelby. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2023 there were 1,139,099 persons, 16.6% of the state population, residing in the region. Minority population is 13.3%. The regional population increased by 5.3% from 2020.


Persons under 18 years of age comprise 23.1% of the population and college age (18-24) persons are 7.9%. Adults age 25-64 represent over half of the region’s population (52.2%). The adult population is evenly divided among younger (25-44) adults, 26.6% and older (45-64) adults 25.6%. Seniors age 65 and older constitute 16.1% of the population. The region’s age distribution is very similar to that of the state as a whole.


In 2022, there were 25,536 establishments in the region employing one or more persons. Private Non-farm Employment was 584,245 generating $34,664,583 in annual earnings, an average of $59,332 per job. Over half of employment (55%) was in seven Industry Sectors: Retail Trade, Healthcare and Social Services, Transportation Warehousing and Wholesale Trade, Accommodations & Food Service, Professional & Technical Services, Manufacturing, and Construction. Healthcare and Social Services sector employment earnings were 10% of regional earnings followed by Manufacturing at 9.3%


Per Capita 2022 annual income was $71,487 compared to $58,323 for the state


As of June 2024, the Region 5 labor force consisted of 593,227 workers and the unemployment rate was 3.7% with 22,117 persons unemployed.


For additional demographics and customized county profiles, visit “Indiana IN Depth”.


“Hoosiers by the Numbers” website also provides current information about the region.


Population Statistics: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 Census Annual Population Estimates

Employment and Earnings Statistics: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Labor force Statistics: Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Research and Analysis, LAUS

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